Saturday, October 9, 2010

use it all

You'll notice the world doesn't bring you the beauty it possesses. You live and come across it every day. Life long discovery and connection to your own path and it's unique direction... or misdirection. Your re-routing is beautiful too. A heart reignited is just as precious as a heart already on fire.

Charged... with purpose, power, a pulse. Letting the difference sink in... between knowing about greatness, and being great. Between studying the story, and taking the steps. The courage to be and fail... fall... rise and run. The greatest little damn moment you've ever seen. All of this is greatness. Recognizing your own story. Noticing the the look in your own eye that stands like a rock. Seeing your own smile light a path through the shadows to the middle of your own soul. Remembering your own heart and how vast it truly is.

True - many of us are our own greatest enemy. The line is long thereafter. Life calls us to stand straight, to breathe with intent and be something. But greatness... greatness calls on us to put the two together - the purpose and the individuality. To seek balance and beauty in the woman or man you are... and USE IT ALL to light the hell out of the path you're on.

Be not on someone else's path - and if you already are... well, you may notice you're not exactly equipped to be on that path, that it's not working. And it's not about you not hackin' it either because there's no comparison when it comes to life path and purpose from one person to the next. Path must be appreciated in the eyes of the life source walking it out. And purpose appreciated in light of the thousands of nuances which make that individual unique and perfect for the purpose they embody.

Each breath you take is yours, the heart thumping inside your chest is yours, and the mind racing the plains of thought, creation, emotion and dreams... is also yours to take the reigns and soar. But if you've struggled to get the bird in the air... I still say check who's path you're on. Because I know for a fact - we've each been blessed with our own endless sky... wide open and waiting for us to take aim.

Waves, though beautiful, will crush you - never weeping. Never slowing. Ever crashing. Power is what they are and do. What are you going to be and do? And when? Old and grey? Otherwise engaged? Never the time to make time so that time could have the chance to take you somewhere still and wide and open.

Finding greatness within leads to finding freedom within. With every mind, soul and heart that turns and pushes against the crowd I'm moved. Pounding against the surface of purpose like a drum... finding their song. I am so incredibly moved.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see you have got the bird in the air... I love this analogy!
